Environmental Geosciences
We provide professional environmental geosciences consulting, permitting, and monitoring services to animal feeding operations, construction, and the energy industry throughout the continental United States.
- Annual Inspections with State and Federal Agencies
- Annual Report Preparation and Submittal to State Agencies
- CAFO and Land Farming
- CAFO Environmental Records (both paper and web-based reporting)
- Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning (CNMP)
- Drainage Studies
- Environmental Assessments
- Monthly and Quarterly Monitoring
- Nutrient Management Planning – Waste Management Plans for feedlots, dairies, swine, and poultry producers.
- Permitting – TPDES & CAFO General TXG920000
- Pollution Prevention Plan Development and Maintenance
- Soil Sampling
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning
- Technical Assistance
- Wastewater and Manure Sampling
- Monthly or Quarterly Site Inspections by qualified and experienced professionals
- Annual Inspections with State and Federal Agencies (Including pre-inspection)
- Free Subscription to Lowther Consulting News (a quarterly newsletter)
- Reduced rates on:
- Annual Report Preparation and Submittal to State Agency
- Soil Sampling
- Wastewater and Manure Sampling
- Technical Assistance
- Assistance in Maintaining all Required Records
- Collection of Annual Groundwater Samples (if required)
- Correspondence with state regulatory agencies
- Technical Assistance
- Compaction Studies using a nuclear gauge
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning
- Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessment
- Site Assessments and Evaluations
Hydrogeological Services
We provide the following hydrologic services:
- Drainage Studies
- Groundwater Availability Studies
- Individual Well Testing
- Lack of Hydrologic Connection
- Recharge Testing
- Test Well Monitoring
- Water Well Monitoring, Testing, and Sampling
Legal Services
We are available for legal consultation pertaining to environmental and geologic litigation. We have provided professional legal consultation in the following litigation cases:
- Insurance Fraud – the case was settled after our consultation determined the complaint was fraudulent.
- Natural Gas Lawsuit – between a natural gas provider and a property owner alleging tree kill-off during a natural gas line break (case settled after our report was presented)
- U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge, Rio Hondo, Texas. Set up a soil and water study for the Refuge to determine the effects of Laguna Atascosa Lake on surrounding agricultural lands.
- Third-Party Negotiations between a chemical company and Erath county CAFOs claiming damage to lagoons caused by faulty products.
- Evaluate and prepare reports of damages caused by uncontrolled fires allegedly by railroad activity in Erath and Bosque counties.
- Private landowners – Site investigations, testing, and reporting damages caused by petroleum-related pollution on fifteen sites. Results are reported to the Texas Water Commission, the Texas Railroad Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Working with representatives of these agencies, treatment has been accomplished on most sites.